Monday, October 29, 2007

First day at Early Childhood Centre

Yesterday, I sent Ikram to an early childhood centre. When we arrived, Ikram was very happy. He ran straight to the playground. He looked very confident. After 10 minutes, I left Ikram and went to Kate Edgar to print a letter. The letter was for Unit latihan UKM. As now we have 2 children, I asked for an increasing in family allowance. Before I left Ikram, as usual I said to him, “Mama pergi kerja ye. Nanti mama dtg balik”. Ikram seem ok and said “Bye..”

Then, when I was at student commons, printing the letter, Linda from the early childhood center had called me and said that Ikram was crying. From the handphone, I can hear Ikram’s voice “ Nak mak…Nak mak”..So I said to Linda that I will come in 5 minutes.

Em…when I arrived, a staff there was holding Ikram. He was very upset…emm..It reminds me back about the same situation when I sent Ikram to a nursery in Malaysia. In Malaysia, it took me quite a long time to settle him down until one day I decided to be in the nursery for about an hour and more…

All I know that we cannot leave our children just like that. We cannot assume that ‘lama-lama okayla tuh’. We as his parents must comfort him first. Make friends with the staffs. So the child began to understand that this place is safe and theire parent dosent leave him for ever. They will come again to take me home. Some times the child was crying because they think we will leave him there for a long, long time. Try to do what our children is doing at the nusery. Like me, I asked Ikram to eat his sandwich. At fisrt, he refused to eat. Then when I took one and ate, he seems more confident and ate the sandwich with me.

Similarly in Malaysia, when Ikram didn’t want to sleep at the nusery, I put my head down besides his pillow and I could see from his eyes that there was a relief inside him. They were the same eyes that I saw during eating sanwinches at the centre here. Well, let we see whether Ikram is still upset at the centre tomorrow..Hopefully not…please not….please…………………..

-->Some of Ikram's pictures but not at the center...

Ikram with his father
During hari raya, 1 Syawal
Ikram with his sister, Nadhirah... beloved son.....:)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

More about giving birth..All about natural

So many new things I've learnt from giving birth here, in Auckland.All about natural.

Firstly,when giving birth, I said to the midwifes, " I think I want to push now"..
Then the mid wife said "If u want to push, push.."'s so different during Ikram..During Ikram, the midwife guided me when to push and how to do it. In here, I have to decide when to push and how to do it.

Secondly, after giving birth, I can decide whether to get an injection to get the placenta out or just let the placenta out naturally. In Malaysia, I didnt get any option. Just used the injection to let the placenta out. So, after discussing with my midwife, I choosed to let the placenta out naturally. After Nadhirah was born, the midwife said " when u feel like to push after this, you just push. It will let the placenta out"...Well, it is not as easy as I thought before...It took a long time for me to feel like to push...At one time, I felt like to ask the midwife to just give me the injection to let the placenta out. Because I was so weak at that moment. I lost about 400 ml of blood. The midwife even tried to pull it out, but the placenta was still there...Finally, I felt like to push and placenta was come out..waa..what a relief...

Thirdly, after giving birth, the midwifes put the baby without any clothes on me. They want the baby skin touch my skin. The reason doing that is the mother's body temperature will up to a suitable degree to heat the baby. MasyaAllah...betapa besarnya kurniaan Allah.. The baby will feel warm and comfortable.

Fourthly, after the Nadhirah was born, they just wiped her lightly and put her on me. They didn't wash her with water. Then I know that the liquid that covering the baby when she was in the womb, will heat her after she was born. So, better she take a bath only after 4-6 hours from the delivering time. Just to give her time to get use with her new environment.

Lastly, the midwifes didn't suck (sedut) liquid from the baby. At first, I didn't know about that until I've asked my midwife. It is because when at home, Nadhirah quite often vomiting and 'bersin'. Then I told the midwife that I think Nadhirah got a cold. The midwife said that it was a good sign. It showed that she wanted the liquid out of her body naturally. That has explained why her vomitting contained a lot of "lendir" get the liquid out from her.

My midwife, Ann, was checking Nadihrah during her visit.

Well, let all go naturally..........


Friday, October 12, 2007

Hari nie dan semlm...

Hari nie hari raya..

Ikram's father with bebudak Auckland
Ikram and his mother at Zaidah and Ema's house.

Yesterday, was still Ramadhan..

Yesterday, I tried to make puding roti..

I think this is the fourth time..and mcm tak jadik jek....

I think I would like to give some of the puding to our neighbours (room 210,310) but "seganla" because the taste and the look of the puding is not like what I've been expected.

em..tak jadik lagi..bila la nak jadik.....:(

Then I got sms from ema told tomorrow is 'raya'...

I got sms from Akmal that tomorrow will be an open house at Ema and Zaidah's that time I didn't know whether to go or not, depend on many things.myself,mybaby.I am still in confinement....still thinking

At last, today we have been to their house (see pictures above) and Ikram as usual keep asking about cokelat....."Nak cokelat.....nak cokelat".......

ops...tak call mak lagi.
got to go....

Today is Hari Raya

Hari raya.....
Tlg mak masak samapi 1-2 pagi..
Masak apa ek..
Masak ayam masak merah atau rendang, kuah kacang, sayur lodeh, nasi himpit, rendang daging: masak 1-2 hari awal...
Masak kuantiti yg byk sbb nak bagi jiran dan sedara mara.
Pastu bila jiran gan sedara mara bagi pulak, fuh penuh satu meja oooo....
Ayam ada 2-3 jenis masakan:kicap, rendang,masak merah, sayur lodeh 2-3 versi: cair, pekat, sedap..,rendang:kering, basah, ketupat, nasi himpit, ketupat pulut...fuh..
Makan 2-3 round...

emmm..baru nak layan mood raya...
sambung lagi nanti sbb nak layan anak pulak..
Maaf zahir batin

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ikram's birthday

10/10/2004, today is Ikram's birthday....Happy birthday to you....

Now he is three years old..Now he is a brother..

I've started to think about him...Thinking about his feeling

Sometimes we have to be in his position, try to think like him...

Why does he cry...why does he act like that....

may be he wants to tell me "Mama, I want your attention, but I dont know how to tell you", "Mama, I'm very tired,but I still want to play", "Mama,I'm hungry, but I dont want to eat that", "Mama, I want to past urine, but I dont want to go to the toilet".......

Well, a lot more to learn about how to handle a three years old child...

I've found some pictures from my sister's friendster.

Mengimbau kenangan lalu.....

Ikram at my brother's house, Putrajaya
Ikram with my sister, Faizah
Ikram was playing with 'bantal Incredible'
Ikram was at our house at Tmn Tenaga
Ikram and his mother were at a research's room at UKM (kacau kwn2 yg ada)
Ikram was at his stroller with a green teddy bear (above)


Raya nak dekat dah...

Mak...............nak balik kg..raya.....:(

Nak makan ketupat, sayur lodeh, rendang mak buat, ayam, biskut gulung......

tapi boleh ke makan time pantang belum habis nie.....

Dulu masa Ikram, seminggu lps 1 Syawal, mak masak lagi lauk raya sbb time tuh baru abis pantang.....Sayang mak................


Monday, October 08, 2007

Mid wife visit

Today, a new mid wife from Plunket visited us. So things to do are:
1) BCG- before 12 weeks
2) Immunisation-at 6 weeks (have to book first)
3) Ikram's dental form (next 2 week)

Optional things to do:
1) Bring Ikram to general library for story telling times
2)Bring Ikram to nearest Playground

Another things to do related to birth registration:
1) post letter to request for application forms
2) Takes Nadhirah's photo
3) Photostat many things (ic, certificate, passport etc)

Many more.......