fever...and now rashes..may be it is an allergic reaction..I still have to figure out what was the sad to see her so quiet, weak and cry frequently...One night, she woke-up many times because she felt uncomfortable. Then the next day, I struggled with editing my report. It was so hectic and full of tension to be in this situation. What a pity for Ikram because he had to face this situation...sabar ye...utk mak dan anak sekali...Thanks to my husband for helping me in this situation..
Secondly..PhD...I'm now entering my first 6 months for my second year..slow progress...why? because the direction of my research is not very clear..I got some data but it didn't work with the proposed method...a few weeks with full of trying...I tried and tried positive results...very frustrated..very....But at one time...after discussing with one of my group member, I suddenly got some idea (Alhamdulillah)...why not try like this...and it did show something.....I make a report and sent it to my supervisors. After editing the report based on my supervisors' comments (during Nadhirah was sick), I sent the report to process engineers.. and now I'm in a waiting moment...Do they like the idea...does the idea work? Hopefully, they will give a positive response so that I can go on to validate the idea...Positive response means the direction of my research is clearer and many things is awaiting for me to do after that.. I must be very very busy....Doakanla berjaya....
Thirdly..fasting..last year I was not fasting...Got a baby a few days before Ramadhan..Nur Nadhirah Nabihah...This year..yup! fasting...Hopefully my fasting will be up to one level..this level hopefully:
Puasa paling istimewa, menurut Imam al-Ghazali, iaitu puasa yang ditambah lagi dengan puasa hati daripada semua keinginan yang rendah dan fikiran keduniaan. Inilah puasa yang paling tinggi darjatnya dan puasa semacam inilah yang dikehendaki Allah, BeritaHarianOnline.
Fourthly..Bread pudding...My favourite...if there is bread..90% there will be bread pudding..
So today is the latest version..put some cashews..
Lastly...Selamat Berpuasa semua !!!!
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