Thursday, October 22, 2009

Expose yourself!


Expose yourself? This article is actually about Exposure 2009.

Exposure 2009 was an event for exposing the master and PhD students of the University of Auckland to the public. This year, I entered the oral and poster competition..Did I win? No, but I'm still very happy. Why? One of the reasons is: my friend, Kak Fariza, won the second prize in the poster competition...My very warmest congratulations to kak Fariza (ikut ayat HOD)..Yay!!!! I'm proud that one of the Malaysian students be among the top. Malaysia kan boleh..

Other reasons:

1) " How well you value your knowledge (ilmu) that you've got and share that feeling to other people so that they can appreciate the value of the knowledge. As we know all the knowledge are from Allah, The Most Wise"...this is my finest conclusion after entering the competition...

2) Got a good template and knowledge on how to present your idea. And I also got these comments from one of the judges:

"Overall in your session all of us judges noted that the standards were generally high—all the presentations were interesting, well prepared, and well described. The factor that nudged one person ahead slightly was the sense of more of a personality injected into the presentation, coming out from behind the podium and engaging directly with the research. But your panel was close in terms of quality—you probably got that feeling yourself if you heard a few of the others", Dr Susan Carter, SLC.

I think injecting our personality into the presentation is not easy...But if you can do that, your presentation will be more interesting as you're sharing the beautiful of the knowledge from your perspective. I think I should apply this concept to any presentation including when giving lectures in the future.

3) (tukar BM pulak) Seronok bila ramai2 berkumpul masa 'prize giving'..akma, lina, razak, kak fariza dan paling teruja bila Kak fariza menang..lagi tambah ceria suasana..Plus saya sempat la bertegur sapa dgn HOD dgn adanya kak Fariza, kalau saya sorang tak tertegur..Penting kenal HOD nie, utk urusan akan datang..he..he..

Apalagi...expose yourself next year!



Fig. 1: Inilah poster saya...

Fig. 2: Ini poster Lina..tgk betul2..ada gambar Razak dlm tu...

Fig. 3: Can fruit juices be pasturised without heating? Tanyala kak Fariza..he..he..

Fig. 4. Saya dan poster saya...:)

Selingan: doakan kejayaan Phd saya nie...:)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Merenung diri sendiri..

'It's tonsillitis and it's very painful', said the Doctor...
I do agree how painful it is...
Sakit ini membuatkan aku tak boleh berfikir..badan mengigil, sakit2 otot, pening, demam dan yang paling ketara: sakit tekak yang amat!

Bila sakit nie, aku fikir "kenapa aku sakit ?"
Kadang2 apa2 sakit pun, kita perlu jelas puncanya dan mencari ubat utk menyembuhkannya..

Kalau sakit mcm tonsillitis, bolehla jumpa Dr dan berdoa byk2.
Kalau sakit hati, bagaimana pula caranya?
Hari tu aku tersakit hati..Berhari2 gundah gulana. .Satu hari, aku pandang luar tingkap dan pikir " Kenapa boleh jadi mcm nie, byknya masa terbuang melayani perasaan ini. Bukankah hidup ini untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah. Mendapat belas kasihannya. Jadi, apa kata kalau aku buang rajuk aku jauh2, dan mengambil langkah positif untuk mengatasinya. W/pun egoku tercabar pada mulanya, tapi puas dan bersyukur akhirnya, kerana apa2 yang kita lakukan kerana untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah, insyaAllah, ketenangan yang akan kita kecapi. W/pun mengambil masa berhari2, tapi berbaloi"...
Lain kali aku akan mengelak drpd mewujudkan keadaan yang membuatkan akhirnya aku yang sakit hati..tu la..bila pikir2 balik, memang silap aku pun...he..he.

Jadi, disebabkan tonsillitis dan "sakit hati", seminggu dua nie memang kerja PhD stop kejap. Org minta data, minta plans, aku cakap aku akan bagi time dah baik nanti...Byk nak kena buat la lps baik nanti...emm..Presentation ada 2 dalam October nie, satu exposure, satu lagi kat light metal..Kalaula buat presentation benda sama, senang sikit. Tapi yg exposure, present benda yang dah publish kat conference proceeding. Utk light metal pulak, present teknik terbaru (berdoa sgt2 ini teknik yang terakhir) untuk PhD aku nie... Sajer gatal nak masuk oral presentation pulak untuk exposure thn ni..konon nak prepare awal2, tapi dah sakit, ikut je la mana yang mampu....

Jadi, doakanla....
Doakanla kesihatan kami sekeluarga...
dan juga PhD ku ini....
