Friday, January 18, 2008

New year's Resolution: 2008

Yesterday, I went to a course, New year's resolution regarding your thesis:2008 and there was a question:
Rate your thesis productivity for the year 2007 on a scale 1-7...
My answer is: unable to answer..he..he..but hopefully this year, 2008, the rate is 7, very productive.

A list of things to do this year:

Thesis (before March, hopefully)
-complete a fully developed research proposal: a schedule of research, an outline of the thesis stucture and a statement of the recources required to complete the research but do I achive the provisional goals?

-make my own programming to analyse the data using Matlab (berangan dulu la) because at the moment I've been using other researher's programme.

- Go to ELSAC next week to join my group in improving English. My group has set some dates so that we can go to ELSAC as a group. I have been to ELSAC individually but I think to be in the group is better because I can get more motivated.

Socialize in the group
- Try to get involve with the group's activities. I really have to enhance my communication skills in English (picture below is the group).


Hopefully I can manage my time wisely. I want to be a good mother, a good wife and a good daughter. Always pray to be ' Ibu, Isteri dan Anak solelah'.

Therefore I must work smart to achive all my goals..
Doa2 kan la provisional year nie lepas...:)
Some of my pictures with my children while waiting for a train.

1 comment:

Asiah said...

salam naja,
mudah2an doa kan termakbul dan segala impian&cita2 tercapai... once you have a clear mind, you'll have a clear way to go...